Guest Blog: Draft Copy

Kindly take a moment to read the Editor’s Notes below, before submitting your full Guest Blog Draft Copy for review by the Editorial Desk, via email to: Guest Blogs Team.

SustMeme logo with strapline — 'The Word on Sustainability: Economics, Environment + Social Equity.'
  • Editor’s Notes: In general, we are looking for Guest Blogs that offer insights and share stories of interest to a broad Sustainability readership. Please note, the Guest Blogs platform is expressly designed to showcase original copy offered to SustMeme on an exclusive, or a first-time publication basis.
  • Length: The full draft should run between 400-800 words in total (5,000 characters max) — the classic length for consumption.
  • Style & Tone: Whilst we are keen to retain the personality and voice of your individual style, SustMeme caters primarily for a business audience and so we ask you to kindly keep that in mind as you write.
  • Pre-Press: We reserve the right to proof, sub and revise copy, to suit house style, but we do usually provide a courtesy proof in advance, for peace of mind.
  • Links: Where possible we encourage use of hyperlinks in the text to take the reader down into the detail, should they desire to delve deeper. This is especially recommended for product and project mentions, as well as references to such as reports and regulations, or the facts and figures behind statistics. Embedding links will help the narratve flow and keep the word count more manageable.
  • Bio: We invite you to include a brief biographical note to run on the bottom of the Blog, providing a profile of the Author. This is the ideal place for us to include any website links and/or social media handles.
  • Images: We consider the accompanying image(s) to be an important part of any successful blog, not least in helping it attract attention in social media posts. Ideally, we should like you submit at least one picture, or (info)graphic to illustrate your story. Please note, we are not inclined to accept company logos for use in the blog. Top Tip: An image scalable to 1200×800 is best for us to feature the blog on our home page.
  • Mugshots: Typically we also like to add a profile picture of the Author in the bio. We recognise not everyone has a portrait they wish to publish — so, whilst this is our preferred option, it is not mandatory.

Any questions, kindly Contact the Guest Blogs Team.