Proposal: Guest Blog Synopsis

SustMeme logo with strapline — 'The Word on Sustainability: Economics, Environment + Social Equity.'

Kindly read the Briefing Notes that follow, before pitching your Guest Blog Synopsis, via email to: Guest Blogs Team.

Briefing Notes: We are looking for genuine Guest Blogs that offer insights and share stories of interest to a broad readership.

The full draft should only run between 400-800 words in total — classic length for desktop, tablet and smartphone.

The Editorial Desk can then assess the suitability of the subject matter, in the context of both the existing editorial archive and the upcoming content calendar.

Please note, the Guest Blogs platform is expressly designed to showcase original copy offered to SustMeme on an exclusive, or a first-time publication basis.

Kindly also be aware, SustMeme does NOT accept the following types of content for publication:

  • Shameless sales plugs or blatant PR blags;
  • Pieces that court controversy with clickbait;
  • Political polemics designed to deepen tribal divides;
  • Anything likely to antagonise with aggression, or upset with inappropriate or intolerant expression.

In short: Please play nice!

Any questions, kindly contact the Guest Blogs Team.