Close-up of blue-tinted stones, with one orange and white marbled one centrally, plus 'SustMeme Magazine' in yellow with magenta outline.

Why you should subscribe to SustMeme…

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The SustMeme Newsletter is delivered via email, weekly, every Thursday.

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If you would like further information on Subscriptions first, before you sign up, then do please scroll on down the page, where you can read all about our no-cost, no-ads, no-spam policies.

You are also welcome to sample some back issues, to get a feel for format and content.


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Policies and promises:

Helping organisations and individuals map and navigate their Sustainability journey — from global mind-shift, to Monday morning — is the strategic vision for SustMeme.

As a media and events brand, SustMeme creates original content and shares stories ranging from weekly news and long-form feature articles, to live webinars and conference keynotes.

We make two primary promises straight from the off:

  1. NO COST and no request for card details; plus
  2. NO ADs and you can read why here.

In addition, there are at least three more good reasons to subscribe to SustMeme:


  • What you get: All stories are original content, written in-house at SustMeme. The information has been provided to us direct by the government, organisation, or company concerned (or their PR).
  • What you do NOT get: Secondhand news that has either been syndicated from another source, or lifted from websites and feeds — we love recycling, but not content!


  • What you get: A regular email (strictly once-a-week), to keep you in the loop on news and features, plus opportunities to contribute content yourselves — including stories and blogs, case studies and comment for soon-to-be-published journalism.
  • What you do NOT get: Third-party promotions arriving unexpectedly in your Inbox — your contact details are only used exclusively by SustMeme (via Mailchimp), nobody else has any access.


  • What you get: Membership of the SustMeme Community, which reaches out worldwide, via traditional and social media (40k+), events, meetings and phone calls.
  • What you do NOT get: Spam, or unsolicited contact — we’re here to help, not hinder.

So, if you are happy with what we have to say and how we act, please do join the SustMeme Community and subscribe today, using the sign-up form at the top of the page.

Bright sunny view out of barred window in dark room, words 'Only Connect... ' superimposed.

The mantra at SustMeme (after E M Forster) is ‘Only connect…

  • Issues with Issues;
  • Issues with People; and
  • People with People.

Thanks for taking the time to learn more and to connect.

Kind Regards,

Jim McClelland, Founder & Editor SustMeme