Boxing clever in 2022: Will you block or duck?

Human fist clad in steel mesh glove punching through green leaves and flowers.

New writing… My latest piece for The Hub — the award-winning content platform curated by Mitsubishi Electric — looks ahead and offers a perspective on boxing clever in 2022, given what might be in store for us on the sustainability front, particularly here in the UK. Bookending the turn of the year, it follows on from my last piece which looked back on the turbulent 12 months of 2021, reviewing some of the highs and lows and asking, all in all, whether it was a good year for the environment?

In truth, last year proved many things for sustainability in the UK, but uneventful was not one of them. In the run-up to the year-end COP on home soil, we saw an absolute slew of strategies coming out of Westminster — for everything from Hydrogen, through Heat and Buildings, to Net Zero.

Yet, the feedback overall was, frankly, pretty mixed.

So, given that the environment in 2021 remained something of a work in progress, what lies in prospect for 2022?

From regulatory change, to supply-chain pain, you can read the forecast in full, on The Hub:

Boxing clever in 2022: Will you block or duck?

To view a back-catalogue of articles authored by Jim McClelland for ‘The Hub’, please see archive here.

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