New writing… With globalisation dead (or dying), politicos stayed away from Davos 2023, but this latest opinion piece looks at why that did nothing to detract from the business case being made for sustainability. The article was authored by Jim McClelland for The Hub — the award-winning content platform curated by Mitsubishi Electric.
It is that time of year again, when the Swiss Alps echo to the sound of cocktail glasses emptied on expenses, as the caravan of powerbrokers and policymakers rolls into snow-town for its annual jamboree.
In other words, Davos is with us once more.
For 2023, however, the week-long get-together of the World Economic Forum seemed a little changed.
Last year, notable absentees were mostly no-fly showbiz influencers and management gurus, keen to keep themselves Covid-free. This winter, it was the political heavyweights staying home — electing to tackle domestic economic woes, instead of indulging in glad-handing and global grandstanding.
The shift in priorities is understandable, with the spectre of a global recession looming larger by the day.
But where does this leave collective efforts around key sustainability imperatives?
Will climate action simply have to wait while states steady their ships and people pay their bills?
To read more about why sustainability remains a constant, despite the economic ground shifting beneath the feet of a well-heeled global elite, click the link below to check out the article in full, free on The Hub:
Davos redefined for the ‘Turbulent Twenties’.
To view a back-catalogue of articles authored by Jim McClelland for ‘The Hub’, please see archive here.
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