New writing… Pleased to say I have had another article published in The Times newspaper this week — looking at C-suite roles and responsibilities around environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues, featured as part of a special Raconteur report into the Future COO.
In a modern organisation, the job of a successful COO is a constant balancing act, juggling the demands of day-to-day operational efficiency goals within the strategic arc of longer-term objectives. The remit is as extensive as the responsibility is significant – with authority, comes accountability.
Faced with growing financial and legal obligations in respect of ESG criteria, plus associated regulatory requirements, companies might naturally turn to their multitalented COO for help.
But going forward, is the COO the right person for the job?
Especially with fears of greenwash making ESG headlines of the wrong kind of late, the article takes a candid look at the game of risk and reward, examining the pros and cons from a COO perspective. It also includes expert comment and insight from right across the business community and legal profession.
Taking onboard both current and future trends, the piece discusses Why ESG is a game of risk and reward for a COO.
The full Future COO report 2022 is also available to view/download here.
Further Reading:
- Also on SustMeme, ESG is not being taken seriously by companies;
- Also on SustMeme, Scoring analytics platform to unlock potential of ESG data;
- Also on SustMeme, Davos: Storm brewing up in the Swiss Alps;
- Also on SustMeme, CSR job vacancies up 74%, as companies focus on ESG;
- Also on SustMeme, Supply Chain: ESG strategies mission-critical for sustainability;
- Also on SustMeme, The problem with ESG: ‘Responsible Investment’ in The Sunday Times;
- Also on SustMeme, Divestment: Are meat and plastic the new coal?
- Check out the SustMeme CSR & Business Top 500 global ranking; plus
- The full archive of stories on the SustMeme CSR & Business Channel.
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